Sustainability Approach

As a responsible Gold mining and producing company, we recognize the significance of responsible and sustainable practices.

Our sustainability approach involves promoting responsible mining practices and reducing the negative impact our operations may have on the environment and the surrounding communities. We believe in investing in local socio-economic development to foster long-term prosperity.

Sustainability Approach

To fulfill our commitment to sustainability, our approach
is built on three integral pillars:



We consider protecting the environment crucial to our business success and corporate social responsibility. To achieve this, we will:

Regularly monitor and assess our environmental performance to identify areas for improvement, comply with environmental regulatory requirements, pursue industry-leading standards, and innovate to minimize our environmental impact.

Utilize efficient waste management strategies to reduce the amount of waste generated, prevent hazardous material discharge, and encourage recycling.

Implement efficient, low-cost mining and production techniques that minimize our environmental footprint.

Social Impact
Our company places a special emphasis on the promotion of social welfare by:

Providing employment and career advancement opportunities for the local and marginalized communities to uplift their economic status.

Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workforce, creating a sense of belonging, and creating a work environment where everyone feels valued.

Maintaining a collaborative, transparent, and ethical business culture that promotes open communication with stakeholders, building mutual relationships of trust.

Partnering with local stakeholders to create impactful community development initiatives that improve the quality of life for local communities.

Health, Safety,
Ensuring our employees' well-being is the highest priority in every aspect of our operations. To ensure this, we will:

Create a safety culture by implementing regular safety training, promoting awareness of potential hazards, and continuing to reinforce safe behaviors.

Offer protective gear, access to medical care, and regular health check-ups ensuring employees' well-being while minimizing risks of potential hazards.

Maintain rigorous health and safety protocols that align with industry best practices and adhere to the highest ethical standards.

Environmental Responsibility Environmental Responsibility mobile


We take our environmental stewardship responsibilities seriously and are dedicated to implementing comprehensive management systems, practices, and standards to mitigate environmental impacts.

We hold ourselves accountable by setting measurable targets that promote transparency, and we continuously improve our environmental performance by harnessing innovation and collaboration.

We care about
Water Resource Management
Waste management
Human Rights Human Rights mobile

Human Rights

AMET is dedicated to upholding the human rights of all stakeholders and adhering to the laws of the country in which it operates.

The company recognizes that human rights encompass respect for cultural heritage, traditional owners' rights, first nations' rights, and indigenous peoples' rights, as well as ensuring security and managing the risk to human rights in supply chains.

Furthermore, AMET acknowledges the importance of safeguarding the human rights of its employees and contractors, including promoting fair workpractices, diversity, inclusion, and freedom from harassment and discrimination.

Our directions
Support of UN Guiding Principles on Human Rights
Identifying and Managing Risks
and Managing Risks
and Internal Reporting

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